Our friends and colleagues at Living Sport are working in partnership with Fenland District Council, specifically their ‘Active Fenland’ team to deliver physical activity interventions within the local community. As part of the partnership, a member of the Living Sport team is embedded within the Active Fenland Team, which will strengthen its ability to develop further provision across the district where it is needed most.
Fenland is a priority place within the county due to the increase in population size, the ageing population, higher levels of obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and low levels of physical activity compared with national levels. Data from the latest Sport England Active Lives Survey (2021/22) demonstrates the need for continued work to close the inactivity gaps in Fenland. Although 51.4% of adults are active (meeting the physical activity guidelines of 150 minutes a week), this is considerably lower than the average for England at 63.1%. For children and young people in Fenland, 46.7% are active which is closer to the national average at 47.2% although it does mean that over half (53.3%) of the children and young people are not active enough to benefit their health.
Sally Gibson, Head of Programmes at Living Sport, said, “We are thrilled to be working closely with the Active Fenland team at Fenland District Council to support delivery of targeted physical activity within the district. By working in partnership with key stakeholders, we are able to work together to tackle inequalities.”
Find out more about Active Fenland here.