Championing community-led housing and planning
How we can help
Cambridgeshire ACRE works with local authorities, housing associations, town and parish councils and communities to build circa 50 rural affordable homes annually. Our work specifically looks to benefit those that could not have otherwise afforded a home of their own.
We offer housing needs surveys, which inevitably find hidden housing need in most of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough’s rural communities. These allow local authorities, housing associations and communities to state a clear case for affordable and community-led housing need when investment and planning decisions are being made.
Our team can provide expert and qualified planning advice to those communities considering, or who have already commenced, a Neighbourhood Plan. We can provide support to neighbourhood planning groups at all stages of a plan’s development, from considering if a plan is right for your community, through to the referendum stage and successful adoption by the Local Planning Authority.
Eastern Community Homes, a project facilitated by Cambridgeshire ACRE, provides group support with community-led housing approaches across the East of England. Cambridgeshire ACRE also has a number of staff who are qualified community-led housing advisors ready to help groups progress their plans.
Rural Affordable Housing
Cambridgeshire ACRE supports rural communities to address issues of importance. High house prices and the need to save a large deposit put home ownership out of reach of many people.
With salaries disproportionate to property prices, the next generation is finding it hard to live and work in the places they grew up in. As the social diversity of our communities changes, local services such as shops, healthcare services, schools, social centres and public transport are under threat.
Being proactive about bringing affordable housing into your area is a responsible and effective way to ensure your community’s survival, by providing subsidised housing for local people who can’t afford property on the open market.
Properties can be made available to rent or for shared ownership at less than market price.
Cambridgeshire ACRE can help you meet the needs of your community by:
- supporting parish councils in carrying out a local housing needs survey
- finding sites for affordable housing and working with land owners
- working with local housing/planning authorities, housing associations and community land trusts in the provision of affordable housing
- giving people the facts about why affordable housing is important to communities and to Cambridgeshire as a whole
- championing new ideas and exploring new ways of working to provide affordable housing
Cambridgeshire ACRE leads and facilitates the Cambridgeshire Rural Affordable Housing Partnership, that brings together local authorities and registered social providers to support the delivery of affordable housing across the county.
Housing Needs Surveys
Our high quality, impartial and robust housing needs surveys are tailored to meet the needs of each client.
We work with our clients, ranging from parish councils and local authorities to housing associations and private developers, to undertake housing needs surveys, provide housing needs assessments and produce independent reports.
They can be used to:
- give parish and town councils evidence of general housing needs, which is useful when commenting on planning applications, pre-application discussions with developers and planning policy consultations
- show the level of affordable housing need, which can support planning applications for small housing developments for local people, by working with housing associations
- inform community-led housing groups such as community land trusts of their community’s housing needs to develop their own affordable homes
- provide evidence for neighbourhood plans
Neighbourhood Planning
Cambridgeshire ACRE is a leading provider of neighbourhood planning support in Cambridgeshire. We provide a bespoke, not-for-profit planning consultancy service by working closely with local planning authorities to ensure that our clients receive quality support and advice.
The Localism Act 2011, for the first time, gave communities the ‘right to plan’. This ‘community right’ gives people the power to form their own land-use planning policies. Once adopted, a neighbourhood plan becomes part of the local authority development plan and is used in determining planning applications alongside the national planning policy framework and the relevant local plan.
We provide support with:
- registering a neighbourhood area
- setting up a steering group or a neighbourhood forum
- applying for funding and budgeting
- project planning
- support at events
- evidence gathering and community engagement
- writing planning policies based on evidence
- advice on neighbourhood planning regulations
- drafting of a consultation statement, basic conditions statement and meeting other regulatory obligations
Our team of neighbourhood planning experts have assisted 35 groups with the preparation of their neighbourhood plans. Find out more about how they can help your community.
Eastern Community Homes
Cambridgeshire ACRE is a partner in, and the lead body for, Eastern Community Homes, the advice and support hub for groups interested in affordable community-led housing in the East of England.
Eastern Community Homes provides a range of services to community-led housing groups including initial group set-up, governance, business planning, funding, development and communications & marketing.
For support with community-led housing or planning, call us on 01353 860850 or contact us
Featured projects
Cambridgeshire Rural Affordable Housing Partnership
Discover how we are helping to bring forward affordable housing in rural Cambridgeshire.
Housing Needs Surveys
See how our independent housing needs surveys can be used to bring about rural affordable housing development for local people.